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  • plotly로 바로쓰는 동적시각화 in R & 파이썬


plotly ggplot2 tsibble 데이터홀릭 mutate() aes() SmartEDA https://statisticsplaybook.com/ 슬기로운통계생활 lubridate geom_vline() geom_hline() linetype rbind() hovermode ggplotly skewness geom_histogram() ggalt cut_width() cut_interval() cut_number() cut() prop.table() table() 데이터 개수 세기 geom_line sankey line graph R studio ggplot PATCHWORK apply ZOO COLOR Shape r geom_point() geom_density geom_freepoly() geom_historgram toaxis spikemode spikeline hoverdistance add_trace() rollmean candlestick Journal of Policy Analysis and Management American Political Science Review American Sociological Review Administrative Science Quarterly American Journal of Sociology American Journal of Political Science American Economic Review corrplot() apa.reg.table() apa.cor.table() apaTables shapiro.test() var.test() t.test() label_ label_context label_both label_value labeller() facet_grid() facet_wrap() expansion() ylim() xlim() coord_cartesian() e1071::kurtosis() Light Tailed Distribution Heavy Tailed Distribution 가벼운 꼬리 분포 무거운 꼬리 분포 skimr 대학 자퇴자 대학 중도탈락자 harmonic.mean() geometric.mean() WDI() WDIsearch() plot_qq() plot_correlation() plot_histogram() plot_bar() plot_missing() plot_intro() create_report() introduce() freq() categ_analysis() profiling_num() plot_num() data_integrity() status() funModeling explore_tbl() explain_tree() report() explore() 학업 중단자 ExpCatStat() ExpCatViz() ExpCTable() ExpNumViz() ExpNumStat() ExpData() geom_x_quantile() geom_x_percentile() geom_x1sd() geom_x_median() geom_x_mean() ggxmean interpolate() fill_gaps() count_gaps() scan_gaps() has_gaps() na.fill() na.approx() na.locf() na. na_seadec() na_mean() na_ma() na_locf() na_kalman() na_interpolation() ggplot_na_imputations() ggplot_na_distribution() imputeTS anomalize tk_anomaly_diagnostics() plot_anomaly_diagnostics() tsclean() tsoutlier() ctypto2 theme element ggplot2 theme st_centroid 정규 교원 1인당 학생수 ggMarginal() geom_rug() textinfo pie trace scale_x_upset() upset 그래프 ggupset discretize() mutate_if() mutate_all() 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